Pay or Quit

Do you Have to Choose Between Success and Family? | Berenice Brito

Shawn Austin Johnson & Tony Cline Season 2 Episode 12

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Balancing Success: Career, Relationships, and Entrepreneurship with Berenice Brito

Shawn Johnson, along with his guest, Berenice Brito, discuss the misconception that success in career and relationships can't coexist. Joined by guest Berenice Brito, a nurse turned coach, they explore overcoming limiting beliefs, the importance of setting boundaries, and sustainable business-building practices. Berenice emphasizes the significance of neuro-linguistic programming, time management, and prioritizing personal well-being alongside entrepreneurial pursuits. Tune in for practical advice on achieving work-life balance and building a successful business without unnecessary sacrifices.

00:00 Balancing Career and Relationships: The Myth of Sacrifice
00:37 Welcome to Pay or Quit: Meet Your Hosts
01:04 Introducing Berenice Brito: From Nursing to Coaching
02:05 The Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Entrepreneurship
07:13 Creating Personal Boundaries for Success
15:51 Financial Strategies for Entrepreneurs
32:06 Consistency and Sustainable Growth in Business
35:26 Final Thoughts and Where to Find More

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 Yeah, many people, they feel like they have to choose between a successful career or successful relationships, but they can't have both in your experience. What's the root cause of that? 

I believe that is the limiting beliefs that are running inside of us and. Most people do believe that you can only have success if you sacrifice and that's not true.

You can be successful in many different areas because a lot of times you don't even know what you're sacrificing. Some people will skip having really important quality time with their loved ones because they think that if they put time towards that.  

Welcome entrepreneurs to pay or quit, where we reveal the gritty truth behind business success.

People see the glory, but not the struggle it takes to get there. 

We're here to share the real stories of entrepreneurs navigating the tough intersection of business and relationships. I'm Tony Klein. 

And I'm 


Johnson. Together, we'll guide you through the real challenges faced as serial entrepreneurs. 

Join us for the untold stories behind the scenes. 

Buckle in, it might get messy. Well, I am here today with Berenice Brito. So excited to have you. You have a really powerful message. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Thank 

you. It's a pleasure to be here with you today. I am a nurse by career. I've been helping people for over a decade now.

And in the last few years, I changed into coaching from a teaching position, because I wanted to help more than just the people in my classroom, just the little, you know, the few people that I was able to reach now with online coaching and all that you can reach so many more people and make a difference.

And I do believe in changing the world one. So at a time, so awesome. 

Well, we're, we're glad to have you here. So tell me a little bit, you have a. Cool philosophy about being an entrepreneur. And we see that so often, uh, we just want to conquer the castle, if you will, and just make things happen. What would, what would your message be?

If somebody is like really struggling to persevere through the hard times to really find themselves through that. 

I base a lot of what I do into neuro linguistic program, which is what works with the subconscious, right? So even if you consciously want to do something, but. If inside of you, your body is going against that, it makes it so, so difficult for you to overcome it.

So when you put yourself in a position of burn all your ships, go all in, really grind, really push, you're just. putting yourself under more stress. And then you have all the issues that stress bring all the anxiety, uh, the heightening fear, and that a lot of times brings paralysis instead of bringing actual accomplishment.

So I think that is much better for you to do what works for you. It's not about. What most people say, it's not about what is commonly working for other people, it's about what works for yourself. So if you feel more comfortable with taking smaller steps and going at a slower pace, instead of burning the shift, Build bridges so you can move across in a way that you allow your body time to adapt to what you want to do.

And in that time you can overcome the blocks and then really be successful at doing what you do. 

How do you help people really find that in themselves? Like how do you mentor them or coach them through that? 

So initially, the first big thing is a deep dive, right? We have the DDS session, which is all about going into your subconscious answers is going to your past and seeing what you have learned throughout their life that is ingrained inside of you.

And that makes you choose what you're choosing right now. And a lot of times to know what your unconscious wants, all you got to do is look up. around you and look around what is happening to you. Because the things that happen to us, they are not just things that are pushed onto us, but there are things that we seek them, even if just unconsciously.

And that's the thing. When you don't know, when you're not aware of it, you don't know how to move past it because you don't know where it's coming from. So I'm going on that deep dive and really understanding how life is showing up for you and how you've been seeking those things in this way. You're able to flip it and do it consciously and then do life the way you want to do it.

Yeah. Many people. They feel like they have to choose between a successful career or maybe, you know, or successful relationships, but they can't have both. Right. It seems like a lot of people take that choice in your experience. What's the root cause of that? 

I believe that is the limiting beliefs that are running inside of us, right?

All the conditional and all the conditioning that we've had for all their lives. And most people do believe that you can only have. Success if you sacrifice and that's not true, you can be successful in many different areas because a lot of times you don't even know what you're sacrificing. Some people will skip lunch, they will skip sleep, they will skip having really important quality time with their loved ones.

They will not engage in relationships in a way that they would like to engage because they think that if they put time towards that. They're taking time away from their business. Their business is going to fail. They're not going to be able to pay their bills and whatnot. But you realize that when you work on the other areas of your life as well, and you are able to stop sacrificing, you actually create more time.

You're more productive. You can do things better. And have it all because you're not fighting against the current, you're creating your flow.  

And would you encourage people to really kind of fit to their business or, you know, fit to the business where the mark, the market dictates their business, or really to, to shape their business in a way that would fit to their, their needs and their lifestyle, 

market research and knowing what.

People want is major in business, right? Because it's not about just what you want to offer, but you got to tailor it for the clients that you want to have for the audience that you want to serve. But then again, if you're just thinking on the external and. You're sacrificing yourself to get there. It is going to be a hard, hard drive.

So it's much easier when you make your business fit your life. When you know what you want, you can find the ways to get there in a way that is easy and gentle, and you can flow. Much better by creating your own flow instead of just going with what you think it's expected of you and you trying to conform because that tends to create resentment, dissatisfaction, and you will feel like you're grinding, grinding, grinding, but you're not really achieving happiness.

You're not really celebrating your success. You're not really taking advantage of everything that you're building because you're. are sacrificing other things to get that one thing that you thought was the thing that was going to bring you fulfillment. 

What are some things we can look for to indicate that we're spinning our wheels, that we're make, not making the progress that we want to.

And oftentimes that's the, that's the grind, right? It were head down or in the thicket. We're not really looking at a bigger picture. What are some things we could look at to like really help us to lift our head and look above all of that? 

The first thing is to look around you and see, how do you feel any given day?

Like, how many times in the last week, in the last month, have you felt at peace? How many times have you felt true joy? How many times have you allowed yourself to rest? When was the last time you went on vacation? And actually, Turned off. You are disconnected from your phone, disconnected from emails, or are you someone that is always, even when you're off, your phone is with you, and you are answering emails, you're answering texts, you might even be doing something that you love, and something with people that you love, but still you're not totally there with them, you might be still stuck in work mode by answering to someone else, and Having boundaries around that, right, knowing your work hours, your personal time, your family time, your time for relationship, to be with your other person is super important because when you create those boundaries, barriers around you.

When you have that boundary, you can really enjoy the moment that you're living in instead of worrying about the future, worrying about the things that you've got to do. So I would say that, like, just take a moment to think about your life in the last month or since we're at the end of the year, right?

Look back at 2024. What are you grateful for? What Has been making you feel like, damn, I'm just working, you know, like, I'm just putting my energy towards that. I always end the day and I'm feeling, how do I feel at the end? Am I feeling excited? Am I looking forward to the next day? Or am I thinking,  It's time to go to bed and tomorrow it all starts again, right?

If that is showing up for you, if that unwillingness to start your day is showing up, it says that you got to look into what things you are doing that are taking away from your happiness, taking away from your fulfillment. So you can actually wake up in the morning and be excited to experience the day because that's what life is about, right?

Like we're not here just to grind, grind, grind, work, work, work, have no fun. That's not a good way to do things because that will lead to overwhelm. That will lead to heightened anxiety. A lot of people will get into panic mode. And even when they hear a ding in their phone, that might just be a trigger to them because they know that more is coming.

And that if they are having fun at that moment, And that then comes, it takes them away from that and they don't get to enjoy life. 

Yeah. That's great advice. How do you know? I'm, I come from the real estate space, not in the sales world, but the property management space before what I'm doing now. And it's very common in that industry to, you know.

Pick up the phone at nine o'clock at night or, you know, midnight rolls around and I got to get that contract out. Those boundaries are super important. Luckily I had a wise wife and, uh, and I agreed with her. Like we can't, we can't do that. Like shut it off at five. It's family time after that. How would you advise like folks that are kind of in that space?

Like I got to keep it going beyond just, you know, to set those boundaries. What's the mental havoc that, or maybe the stress havoc that causes on people in the longterm that. Maybe if they looked for their long term, they can avoid the short term pain. Now, 

I'm going to start with the first part of the depression, right?

A lot of times we are scared of creating those boundaries, but you know what? Anybody that wants to work with you, they'll understand that boundaries are important because most people nowadays know about boundaries. So we feel just pre frame things in a way that work hours are this to that, you know, people are be.

are going to be okay with you not answering a text at 9 p. m. because everybody knows that that's not a time that people are usually working, right? Like, you're not expected to be working at that time. And if it's someone that is having an issue with that, or if you face someone that is like, oh, I texted you last night and you didn't get back to me, you're like, oh, you were working last night?

They're going to be like, um, No,  most likely, right? Because sometimes people have expectations of other people, especially if they are hiring a service or if they are doing a service that they wouldn't even do it themselves. So when you, you know, bring it back to them and it's like, well, do you work until late at night?

They might say no. Or they might say yes if they're an alcoholic and if they are workaholic, sorry, and if they say yes, you can always say, well, I used to, but you know what, didn't work for my life. So now I have firmer boundaries. So it's all about the conversation you have, right? It's all about the communication you have. 

about it is, to tell you the truth, I have never had someone that when I pre frame, right, I told them my working hours, if they text me off of those hours, if I don't get back to them until the next time I'm supposed to work, I've never gotten a, what? Like, that is not proper, that is not professional, or that is bad.

The opposite, the feedback that I always get from my clients is like, Wow, that's so amazing. Like, how can you do that? Can you, can you teach me?  Like, people are interested, they want to do that. And, I'm not saying that everybody has to be like me, but like, I'm to a point that the other day, for instance, I put my phone down at 5pm, I grabbed it again, Seven hours later because it was the weekend.

I was having fun. I did not touch my phone because of that I know that when you are going for something else and you're getting distracted You're not really experiencing the moment, right? So it's all about Knowing what works for you For me, being present with my son, being present with my partner is immensely important.

So, when I'm with them, I'll get my phone to take pictures, and that's it. If someone else is taking the pictures, which is amazing, I don't even gotta do that part, right? And, It's all about that. It's about knowing what you want, what works for you instead of you trying to unfold yourself into you trying to clone yourself in many different personas to appease each aspect of your life because many of us are entrepreneurs.

Moms, partners, um, we have parents, right? So we also, uh, their, their kids, because no matter your age, you are always going to be their kid. And when you just don't know what is important for you and you try to. Each one of those aspects of you, one from you, you get lost, because you are trying to mask all the time.

You're trying to fit a mode all the time, instead of just letting things happen in a way that works for you. And they will love you more for it. 

Yeah, I think there's some respect that comes with that, right? When you, uh, I had a business coach tell me one time, and it was very common in our office that people would interrupt, like it was, um, people walking in the door or phone calls or whatever.

And he would always say, start the conversation with an expectation. For them. Hey, I have a meeting coming up in five minutes, so I only have a couple of minutes to talk and then that would shape that conversation to get to the point, if you will, or, you know, to really not you're not here to waste my time because I don't have the time to waste, if you will.

And I always thought that was valuable information. The other part is really just setting those boundaries with yourself. Like we can't work, you know, it's 24 hours in a day. You could work eight hours. You could rest eight hours with sleep and then there's eight other hours and we so common want to fill those other hours with Maybe not the most important activities in our lives, right?

So and i'm reminded that time is fleeting. We only have so much time eventually our time will end It's I think the average like 4 000 weeks. We only get 4 000 weeks on the planet. So it's really Being intentional with that time. So how do you have for the, for the folks that are like, I have to grind in order to make my bills or to pay my rent or, you know, pay my mortgage or make sure that my business stays afloat.

How do you counsel them into looking outside of just a single stream of income or where's the financial piece fit into this? 

There's a few parts to that, right? One of. Is looking for different incomes with different areas where you can get something that will help you. But a lot of times, even if you have those sources, if your body, your mind is working against you, it's very hard to pass a certain ceiling.

So if you've been ground grinding and grinding and no matter how much you work, you can never cross a threshold. There is something deeper.  It's not just the kind of work you're doing, but it's  how you are allowing that work to happen. So, that's when we get to the Neurolinguistic Program a lot, and it's about making your body And your mind be in syntony with what you actually want so you can get it.

And besides that, if you're an entrepreneur, for instance, and you feel like you need to most, most coaches in entrepreneurship will say, burn your bridges, right? Send it all to hell. Just focus on this one thing and you're going to make it happen. And you try that, and then you're always living in panic, and you're always worrying, and you're always,  like, in the last second, making that money that you need to pay your bills. 

Is that really being helpful for you? Like all the time that you're wasting just worrying because you're not really passing that threshold, right? All of that is time that you can get back if you work on the things that are preventing you from getting there. So You said something that is very true. Time is the one resource that we can never get back.

So managing your time is huge. Prioritizing, knowing what's important, what you need to get done now, what you can leave for later, and what you can put in a bucket. List for eventually when I have the time, I'll get it done. But a lot of times we have so many things to do and we try to pack our day and get 30 things done.

And what, how is your time perception there? Like, is it really possible for you to get all those things done, right? And just seeing that list and being overwhelmed by the amount of things that are there that it really just scares you. And puts you in a position that makes you not be productive. So it's all about prioritizing.

It's about knowing what are the things that you actually gotta get done. Not multi tasking. I know that most people say multi tasking is important. You know, even HRs use it for, are you a good multi tasker? As something that is Positive. Every time that you try to multitask, you are not actually multitasking.

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It's like your computer, when you have a bunch of tabs open, and you go from one to the other, and those tabs are heavy. Every time that you flip from one to the next, it goes to that thinking state and reloading. Your brain is doing the same thing when you're trying to multitask. So you're losing important time just by trying to do that.

So if on the other hand, instead of multitasking, you single task, you go with that one thing that you've got to get done right now. You will get that thing done way faster than if you were multitasking. And if you do feel like while you're building your business, you need to have the reassurance of having a steady source of income, don't burden your your ships.

Build bridges that will allow you to get there. You stay with a part time job. Look for things that are possible for you to do that are not very time consuming, but that will bring a stream of money. Nowadays, there's many different options that we can make to get an income without being a nine to five, 40 hours a week, right?

So it's about finding things that work for you.  Instead of you just having to deal with whatever to make the money show up so you can pay your bills because that is just putting yourself in loads and loads of stress. 

Yeah. I agree with you wholeheartedly with the multitasking. I think it's a complete waste.

I actually call it task jumping because you're never, you're never getting onto a task with any deeper thought to actually accomplish that. And then you just move on to the next and move on to the next and, and what you started never really. Either gets finished or gets finished. Well, um, which is super risky.

Um, have you ever seen that? Uh, there's like an old video and a guy's got this big glass jar and he's talking about, uh, prioritizing tasks and what, what's really important. And he starts with filling up the sand, which represents all the little tasks, the non important tasks. Then he puts some pebbles in there and then he tries to put all of these rocks in there, which are like the important.

Important things, right? If we reorder that, you know, and he does reorder that and he puts the rocks in first and then the pebbles fill in the gaps between the rocks and then the sand fills in and everything fits in. And the reason is, is cause you, uh, you know, is his analogy is really a point of. Finish the important things first, oftentimes when we're doing the important things, we realize that those, those things that we thought were important become not important anymore.

They become actually irrelevant sometimes. So we don't even have to worry about them because we were focusing on something that was more important. 

It is, it makes total sense, right? And it's incredible how a lot of times in life. Until we see it, we don't know it, right? And it's all about that remembering.

It's all about that recollecting and gathering information that makes sense for you. So, that's why podcasts are amazing, right? Like, a lot of times when people hear something, they go like, Yes! And it's the one thing that might make a big difference in their life, like that one. It's about prioritizing, getting the things that are important done first.

The other things may even not need to happen because maybe you already got it done with the initial ones, or maybe they are no longer necessary. So if you're dealing with lack of time and you know, the desperation of being in the grind and going, going, going, going, going, that's a way of making more time, even though time is not something that is.

Renewable, right? It's all about allocating your time in a way that works. 

Yeah. Yeah, exactly.  Um, to, you know, I, I want to hit on something that you mentioned a minute ago and it was, you know, like if you're starting a business, don't give up that job that the, the one that's paying you. I do see that very common.

Like I, I. And I love to see people like really believe in their business idea. However, you got to keep the income streaming. Right. And I've seen people quit a job way too preemptively, um, before, before there was enough income in the, in the new business. Um, what's the temptation there? What do you think that is?

It's like, is it a societal pressure that people say, you know, Hey, you got to quit that job in order to make your business successful. What do you see? 

I think there is a lot of that, right, is that societal pressure is also the common knowledge of you've got to sacrifice something to build something, right?

It's that notion that unless you put all your ducks in it, you're not going to do it.  But that in reality comes from a very specific type of personality and people that work a certain way. Some people. We'll do amazing under pressure and they know that if they don't have another way out, they will get it done.

So it is successful, but that doesn't mean that it's always successful in the money realm. I believe money is energy, right? It's all about being in a syntony that that can actually come in into your life. A lot of people don't believe in that and that's totally okay too. But you also know that you got to do things in order to.

Get that money to come into you and just by putting yourself in a way of I'm stressed, I can't pay my bills. I need to make this happen. That is not the one thing that's gonna make the money come to you. That's not gonna provide you with the resources that you actually need.  So I do believe that there is a lot of people that say, burn all the bridges, put yourself in that situation that it's either  make it or break it. 

Why? When you do that, you're putting yourself in a survival mode. You're heightening your cortisol levels. You're living on adrenaline 24 7. That is extremely suc  It's stressful. That's extremely dangerous to your body. And if you go and you actually analyze the amount of businesses that fail within the first year, for instance, the amount of businesses that people give up, most of those, they didn't have to close down.

People did not need to And those dreams. But because they didn't have the means to support their family, to support themselves, they had to. Because they burned all the bridges, they started a business, they don't make any income, and then they have to stop that and go look for something else. So. The numbers say that, I think the last one I read is about 70% of business that close that are not successful after a year.

If you burn your bridges, what you gonna do when that year's done and you're in the 70%? It's not like you are outside and you are just one or two. It's  huge number of businesses that cannot make it and sustain themselves in the first year. So if you burn all your bridges and just put everything in that, where are you going to be a year down the line?

Yeah. It's very rare that a new business starts making good money right out the gates. I mean, it's super rare. And in my experience, every time I start a business, it's like a year to two years that. I don't touch the profits at all because it just takes so much reinvestment into the business in order to get to a successful state.

Um, you know, what would you advise? Like, Hey, I've got a job, but I want to start a business. How do I manage that time of avoiding the grind, if you will, of that? You know, uh, overextending ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, but I've got to get the business off the ground. Why? And I don't want to give up my income, right?

So I've got to do both. What do we, what do we advise folks to, to get through that? 

I'll advise you to not do what I did. I was a nurse working bedside. Working full hours, going to school, because I'm always going to school, being a single mom and building my business, which meant that every night I got four to five hours of sleep.

I do not recommend that to anybody. That is not a good way to do things, right? And a lot of times what we learn from our mistakes is what we say, I can teach you another way, so you don't do the same thing, because that is not sustainable. So what I would advise is plan things out. Time blocking, time blocking works amazingly.

You see what kind of hours, how many hours you would need to put into your business to make it happen. And you fit it in your schedule in a way that's not gonna damage you, damage your relationship with your loved ones. And it's all about prioritizing, right? And when you put yourself in that position, it's not about doing it for an unlimited time of.

timeframe. It's about saying, okay, for the next year, I allocate this amount of time for this, this amount of time for that. And then when the year is ending, like now you sit down and you look into, did this work? Is this making sense for me? Am I feeling like I'm getting enough rest? Am I feeling like I'm working enough?

I'm giving enough attention to my business when I'm doing it. By the way, on talking on that part of the attention, if you're gonna have, let's say, one to two hours per day that you put into your business, on those two hours, put your phone on silent. Because if on those two hours you're Scrolling social media, answering texts, getting, you know, distracted by all those things.

You might not really be putting the two hours in. You might be putting actually 30 minutes. And that might not be enough. So it's all about knowing what you can do in a way that allows you to still thrive, to still do things in a way that you are building it,  but you're also minding the other parts of yourself.

Yeah. What I hear you saying, uh, is to pace yourself with intentionality. So we can sprint for a while. But we can't sprint forever, right? And that sprint will turn into loss of pain, collapse, maybe, you know, a trip to the ER.  So, so pace yourself on the sprint, but then, you know, transition to a jog or transition to maybe just a little faster pace run, uh, and then slow it down.

But that sprint is, uh, can be used with intentionality. So when we're sprinting, we're focused on sprinting, but then we transition. Uh, at least I, what I hear you say is transition to something that can be sustained for a longer period of time. Uh, and when we're doing that, it's intentional. Yeah, I think, I think you bring a really valid point.

It's so often that we time block something and we want to be doing deep work, but the phone pings or, uh, the email pops up or whatever. And what, you know, one couple of things I've figured out is I've removed all, uh, social media icons. So if there's like a. You know, a notification for social media is gone.

I don't show how many emails I have unread on my phone because that's not important. I check email only at a specific time of day and then I put screen time on social media. So like I limit myself to 15 minutes a day of social media. Anything beyond that, it feels addictive to me. Um, and it, you know, everybody's different.

That's just what works for me. And it's taken a long time of, uh, I don't even know if I'm that mature on it, but maturity to get to, to get to that level, you know? So I think that was really good advice on making that grind. It's really tough to start a business and while working another nine to five job or a full time job or whatever and trying to make it work.

But I think if we're more intentional with the hours, like you said, then we can actually achieve both things. And then eventually when would you, when would you say somebody is like ready to. To transition fully to their business. And then wean off or quit the, the job 

when they feel comfortable with their progress, when they feel like they are sustainably, inconsistently receiving enough, right?

Which begs the thing of. Consistency doesn't mean doing something seven days per week or whatnot. Consistency is what, for you, makes sense as consistency. I'm all about small steps. Whatever thing that you're building, taking small steps toward it, increasing your comfort level at what you're doing, and make it happen.

More and more is how you do the thing, right? Like going back to what you're saying about the marathon. I love that. That is a beautiful description. I don't know if you ever heard that like marathons, they have the sprinters, right? They're called rabbit. Sometimes they are the people that started the pace super, super, super fast, and they make people go at a fast pace.

Now the rabbits, they never finished the race in first. They always stay behind because when you start with too much gas, you cannot go for the full marathon. And if you're building a business, you're building a marathon, right? You're not doing it for, Oh, I'll have a business for a couple of years. And that's it generally is not that you might engage in other things because entrepreneurship is amazing.

And we tend to, you know, multi. Entrepreneurship thing, if that's what you're into it, but doesn't mean that you're going to stop what you were doing before. So when we're building a business, we are building it for the long run. When you try to rush into it, you might not be able to finish or sustain it.

So slowing down and doing the things that you can each step of the way, while you're not Bringing yourself out is what allows you to keep going and get the business to become successful. Now, consistency for you might be, I sell a product and I sell 30 product. So I need, let's say, 6, 000 a month to live.

Okay, you need to make 200 sales, right, on that month to get that money. Now, for some people, consistency might mean, That every month you've got to hit those 200. For other people it might be one month you sell a thousand. You're set for five months. You're not going to stop working so you're still building and you have that fund there.

Well that might be a consistency, right? Because you know that you're not chasing the money that you need to sustain the business, to sustain your life. Now for other people if they don't have those up and downs as much, if their business is more More balanced for lack of a better word, right? More consistent on the financial sense.

When you're, you know, for a few months have been getting that consistently in what you need to get, you can start looking into it. Whatever it is that is To you makes you feel comfortable. What I say is don't burn bridges to put yourself in panic mode, because that's not where you're going to do your best work.

Yeah. Don't take unnecessary risks to satisfy maybe the ego of being an entrepreneur, right?  Yeah.  

This is our much better. 

Yeah, yeah, that's definitely, that's good advice. Thank you for that. Um, where, what's the best place for people to learn more about Berenice Brito? 

You can always go to my website, which is followyourpathcoaching.

com. I'm on Instagram as have it all with Bibi, because I do believe that life is all interconnected, right? And a lot of times what. we are sacrificing in one side is impacting another and I also have, um, if you guys want to know more about you and what you might be sacrificing, I do have a quiz that people love taking because it gives them a lot of insight and is a great way to start that self deep dive that we were talking about before and that is on have it all. 

Awesome. We will make sure to put all of that in the show notes. Veronece, it has been a real pleasure to have you on today. Any last words? 

The pleasure is mine and it's all about, you can have everything that you wanted.  Right? It's all about making it work for you instead of you trying to fit to modes that are not working.

If you are someone that likes living on the edge, that functions really well with the stress of having to make it to get ends meet, you can do it because that works for you. But if you are someone that feels like putting yourself in that situation of stress, is taking away from the joy of your work, of your life.

Look for other ways to do it instead of just keeping on grinding. It's not because you're doing the same thing over and over again that eventually it's gonna work, right? If you've been trying to do something that is not working, Some people even say that keeping at it is madness.  Looking into other ways to get that thing done might be the best choice.

Oh, that's great advice. Thank you again for your time 


My pleasure. 

Thanks for listening. We'll be back next time to cut through the noise of what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur. 

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